Lahiri Mahasaya Mahasamadhi Commemoration -2017

Yogoda Satsanga Dhyana Kendra, Bengaluru  observed  Mahasamadhi commemoration of our Param Param guru Sri Sri  Lahiri Mahasayaji on 26th of September.

The evening service which started with aarti at 4:30pm, followed by opening prayer, chanting of shlokas, chant ("From this dream Lord will You...") and short meditation. 

At 5:30pm, excerpts about Lahiri Mahasayaji were read from Autobiography of a Yogi, and Bhagavat Gita. The main focus of the the reading was Kriya Yoga, breath, and how healing happens.  This was followed by a bhajan ("Chidanandarupa Shivo hum shivo hum" (Sanskrit version of  "No birth no death").

The session ended with  praying for others, closing prayer and pranami and serving of prasad.