Yogoda Satsanga Society of India is pleased to share free audiobook versions of the spiritual classic Autobiography of a Yogi in select regional languages - Kannada, Hindi, Tamil, Telegu &...
More than 150 devotees experienced a captivating Satsanga given by Swami Chidananda ji that was livestreamed in the Kendra in two separate halls for (150+) adults and (15+) children. Swami ji...
The Sadhana Sangam at Bangalore was conducted between the 13thand 15thof September 2019 at the Bangalore Center. DD News had earlier aired the invite in their daily news announcements and local...
On the sublime evening of 30th September 2019, Bangalore Yogoda Satsanga Dhyana Kendra celebrated the Avirbhav anniversary of the great Yogavatar Lahiri Mahasaya. Guru Lahiri Mahasaya is the chosen...
On the evening of the 26 th of September, Yogoda Satsanga Dhyana Kendra, Bangalore, celebrated the Mahasamadhi of the great avatar Lahiri Mahasayaji. Lahiri Mahasaya is known as...